Parish Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
The Parish Council normally meets ten times a year, once per month except that it doesn’t meet in August or December. Meetings are held in the Village Hall, usually on the second Thursday of the month, starting at 7:00p.m., and are open to the public and the press, whom your councillors are always very pleased to welcome.
Agendas are published a few days before meetings, and those for recent meetings are available below.
Any items for the Agenda MUST be sent to the clerk 7 working days before the meeting and this does not
include the day of the day you send the item and the day of the meeting so please if you have any items you wish to be added please note the timescale detailed above that must be adhered too.
As well as being posted here, hard copies of the Minutes of council meetings are also available from the Post Office. A summary of Parish Council news is published in the Cockcrow which is delivered to all homes in the parish.
You don’t have to wait for the minutes, of course: if you really want to see what we do, and how we do it, please come along to our meetings. You can observe the meeting, but you will also be given an opportunity to speak during Parishioners' Forum.
We maintain an archive of old minutes
Copies of minutes prior to April 2016 are available from the Clerk, on request.
April 2024 - March 2025
No Meeting in March due to Clerks Annual leave
No Meeting in March due to Clerks Annual leave
Annual Parish Meetings
The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity to hear what your Parish Council has been doing over the previous year. Representative from local organisations are invited to attend the meeting and present a report on their activities during the past year, so it is a good opportunity for residents to find out what is going on in their village. The meeting includes an opportunity for informal discussions over refreshments.